Saturday, December 31, 2016

Love's Agenda

Love the essence of all being

A feeling that expands even without sight

It gives you unbelievable strength and might

It cuddles you and desires to protect

A distant cousin to pain and regret

Love unknowingly draws you near

Chemically changing body rhythms

Reacting and often losing control

Electromagnetic sparks and feelings unknown

Love has an agenda all its own

Poetic Flow…

Friday, December 30, 2016

Hearts Fate

Not silence or darkness can stop a lovers heart

Love grows even when far apart

The sound of their voice soothes your soul

Just anticipating their call excitement grows

You dream of kisses and hugs so sweet

Reminds you of sweet strawberries you love to eat

Your thoughts are all over the place

Can’t settle the mind, cant concentrate

Not silence or darkness can change your hearts fate
Poetic Flow....

Reflection:  If you love someone, you can love long and hard, even through trails and tribulations. However, remember to love yourself first.  If loving someone breaks your spirit and leaves you empty, then that is not love.  Realize, love is shared, rejoiced, responded to.  It overwhelms you with a sense of security and warmth.  Love is not one sided.  Love should be given only when it is deserved. Even when the heart stays in for the long haul ask yourself if you trust the situation.  Remember, no one can take care of you like you. Your Hearts Fate is in your hands.   

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Trust Yourself

Trust Yourself

When you really start to ponder your future, a natural feeling of direction comes to you.  Something deep inside you tells you which direction to go, and what you are destined to do.  Whether you believe it is instincts or a higher calling, you have to learn to trust yourself and your judgement. 
You can also think about decisions in general, and look back at how you handled it.  Some of us who trust in our instincts probably made the right decision.  However, those of us who fail to listen to that little voice, myself included, sometimes live with regret.
I don't know how many times I have to make a decision and truly feel in my heart of hearts I know what's right, but ultimately take a different stance. 
As a practice when you have to make a decision seach your heart, and come up with the answer without any help.  Write down the decision and review it.  Look for reasons why it makes sense and learn to trust your thought process.
The decisions that come from the heart are the right decisions.  Trust in yourself and you will never go wrong!
Speaking poetically....

Kind words heal

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Monday, December 5, 2016


Dont Be Afraid!

Don't Let Fear Win!

Far can be powerful.  It can either break you or make you. Fear can hold you back, suck the life out of you, and take a lot of fun out of everyday living.  The people who don't fear anything or much would never understand how fear can control ones life.  Below are a few helpful tips to not letting fear win. 

Face your fear

The best way to overcome your fear is to face it head on.  Instead of running away from it, go towards it. What I mean by that is give in to the fear and beat it.  If you are afraid of accepting  a new position and don't even want to interview. Then, be one of the first to put your name in the bucket for the position.  Either, you will feel it's not as bad as you thought or say it is as bad and turn the position down. Either way, the fear will be overcome and you'll realize going towards fear is the best way to get over it. 

Write your fears down

Get a pen and paper, and write down all your fears on sheets of paper.  One day at a time take one of the papers and read the fear out loud.  Then, say I embrace this fear and you no longer control me. Take the pen and cross it out the fear on the paper.  Then ball it up and throw it away. You have now proclaimed the fear no longer controls you.  Crossing out the fear means your done with it, it's off your list.  Throwing the paper in the trash means it doesn't faze you, and it no longer in control. You have won!

Challenge yourself

The more you challenge yourself, and move out of your comfort zone the more you will feel confident and like nothing can stop you. You should always keep your mind, body and spirit fresh.  Try new things, go outside the box, and always look for the next adventure. Remember, you are in control!

Poetically speaking.... by Poetic Flow.

Read latest Poem "Fear Not", by Poetic Flow Here