Monday, December 5, 2016

Dont Be Afraid!

Don't Let Fear Win!

Far can be powerful.  It can either break you or make you. Fear can hold you back, suck the life out of you, and take a lot of fun out of everyday living.  The people who don't fear anything or much would never understand how fear can control ones life.  Below are a few helpful tips to not letting fear win. 

Face your fear

The best way to overcome your fear is to face it head on.  Instead of running away from it, go towards it. What I mean by that is give in to the fear and beat it.  If you are afraid of accepting  a new position and don't even want to interview. Then, be one of the first to put your name in the bucket for the position.  Either, you will feel it's not as bad as you thought or say it is as bad and turn the position down. Either way, the fear will be overcome and you'll realize going towards fear is the best way to get over it. 

Write your fears down

Get a pen and paper, and write down all your fears on sheets of paper.  One day at a time take one of the papers and read the fear out loud.  Then, say I embrace this fear and you no longer control me. Take the pen and cross it out the fear on the paper.  Then ball it up and throw it away. You have now proclaimed the fear no longer controls you.  Crossing out the fear means your done with it, it's off your list.  Throwing the paper in the trash means it doesn't faze you, and it no longer in control. You have won!

Challenge yourself

The more you challenge yourself, and move out of your comfort zone the more you will feel confident and like nothing can stop you. You should always keep your mind, body and spirit fresh.  Try new things, go outside the box, and always look for the next adventure. Remember, you are in control!

Poetically speaking.... by Poetic Flow.

Read latest Poem "Fear Not", by Poetic Flow Here

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